Friday, January 28, 2011

Star Gazing.

I NEED to go star gazing. I have a love for anything space, and i now own 2 books on star gazing which i have not cracked open.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Examinations... not really

Today is Wednesday.. on Friday at 10am i will be sitting down preparing to complete my science exam, which i am in no way shape or form ready for. Yet, i choose to write about how i might actually fail. Good choices.
I need to start studying.
... naaaaaaaaaaaah.
Instead i'll tell you all about my serene morning.
It was one of the most quietest and calmest morning i have ever had. I got up, conveniently, and the time my alarm clock went off, 7:45 am, usually i wake up at 8:10 and rush like a mad woman. Anyway, i got up, smiled when i looked at the clock, brushed my teeth and washed my face. Then while listening to some jazz music on the radio i twirled over to my closet, chose very comfortable clothing, which involved a very bright and happy green, and got dressed. Put on my makeup, and favorably my eyeliner turned out very straight and clean. Anywhooo, i pranced along up stairs to the kitchen, packed my lunch, poured myself some cereal and cut up a banana, sat down, took my sweet time while still listening to jazz and reading the newspaper. And sincerely enjoying myself. I didn't know how something so simple can make a person so incredibly happy and just.. well.. content. You know?

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Light Mood.. Not Really.

I am currently listening to 91.1 jazz fm which puts me in such a light mood. Also just finishing a light mocha really helps.
.. yes, i am aware of how incredibly lame i must've sounded. But i am so relaxed right now, nothing can bother me. So insert your nasty little comment down below, i don't care..... IMAGINE. It will kill me. Please don't. I'm a fragile little tulip.
Ohmygoodness. I can't even help but make fun of myself.
Anywho, I've been sitting down at my desk, over-joyed because of this rare occasion of no homework. And frankly.. i'm thinking too much about everything. I think i'm one of those people that has to think about EVERYTHING. I really need to start going with the "flow", you know?
I am going to be completely honest, recently i have been thinking to fondly of myself. I need to stop before i get over confident and cocky. We won't get into the details, because of those of you that actually read this blog that i personally know will probably bombard me with annoying questions.
Mooooooving onnnnn, i need to get back into my reading mode, and it's not as if i don't have any books to read. In fact i have 4 books i've been planning on reading for quite a while now.
it's 9pm now and i have to go watch my scheduled time of 8 Simple Rules with my brother! :$

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Update #2

Winter break has just ended, and might i add it was amazing!
I had something to do everyday this break.. which didn't leave much time for homework. :/ meh.
I had the best christmas ever. Spent it with my most favourite people on earth, my mom, brother, two aunts and two cousins. We have a little backward tradition, and like to open all gifts on christmas eve. Anyway, we spent the night at one of my aunt's places, it was wonderful, amazing food, fantastic gifts, and phenomenal people. My two aunts and mom put together this cute little game to play, so because there was my two cousins, brother and i they put 18 gifts under the tree, and numbered them. We would go one by one to pick a number out of bag, go retrieve the gifts with the corresponding number. Each of us would do this, till we were each left with four gift bags. Then at the end we would open them up and decide if we wanted to trade! Plus we each got $130! :)
New years was just as amazing! Except this time i was with my brother, mom, and one aunt and cousin. We decided to go to niagra falls because we had heard great things about it on new years. So we head off to Niagra at about 6pm, drive an hour in the wrong direction, turn around, drive an hour more then planned, get there at i think 10pm, park the car in some sketchy parking lot, not far from the falls, and move along to the venue. Now i've gone to Niagra falls far to many times to counts, and you would think i know this place like the back of my hand. but NOPE, it has completely changed, i'm so confused by all the new roads and buildings. WTF HAPPENED?!
So we finally get to the venue, it's 10:30 now, and ET Canada is hosting this event! Which was pretty cool.. well.. for me at least.. :$. To my surprise kardinal offishall and the barenaked ladies preformed! I'm not really into either of those bands, but when you're actually there, listening to it live you start to like it, anyway, i had no idea, but the barenaked ladies sang the theme song of the 'big bang theory'! I was over come by joy when i heard them play the first couple chords! And good lord does the lead singer have beautiful eyes! It's 2am now, and we all just want to eat and sleep but the hotels are WAY to expensive, i'm talking like $500 a night, or the hotels are completely booked. So we are forced to drive back. We get home at 5am and collapse. It was great -_-

I'd share some more, but i am currently dying of a shore throat, stuffy nose, and an aching body. Fml -_-

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Santa and Matching Sweaters

Yesterday after school my friend, Eleni and i went to the mall to do some last minute Christmas shopping. But of course, we get completely side-tracked and thaaaank god we did because we had the most childish, embarrassing and eventful evening of our lives.
1. We went to Disney store and bought matching christmas sweaters.
2. We took a picture with a drugged out Santa.
3. We got Yogen Fruz (i got a gingerbread one!)
4. We hung out on the beds at sears for two hours.
5. We played with children toys.
6. We went through children's clothing.
I guess you could say, we had an amazing evening.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Not a typical Friday Night

Hello one and all! ... tori ;)
anyway, tonight started out as a terrible friday night. Thought i was going to stay home, watching Threes Company with my dogs. But a miracle happened... well not really, but i went on twitter to find this hopeful tweet of "Skating anyone?!" and i was all like. HELL YES.
So, 30 minutes later i'm at the skating rink with people i would normally not hang out with on a friday night, which turned out to be one of the most simplest, yet cutest nights. After we were done with our 'graceful' skills and techniques on the ice we made our way to starbucks, loitered for 2 hours, laughed WAY to loud, had creepy old men staring at us, and read FML's feeling slightly better about our pathetic lives. After we were done being reckless, one of our pack left us and we made our booties to timmies, yet to find some crazy Muslim man speaking very loudly to his phone, even though terrified we still stayed. Talked about, excuse my french, stupid ass shit, laughed like there was no tomorrow when nothing was funny. I think that's how you know when you've found people you actually enjoy.
Hm, you'd be surprised about the people you never speak to, but could have everything in common. It's mind boggling.. well not really, i just wanted to say boggling, HAHAHAHA.
ANYWHO, this was a pretty shitty post, but oh well, i'm in a amazing mood.

ah, what an amazing night. :)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


I know most of you must be extremely annoyed with this song, but i don't care.
Anyway as i have expressed my love of Katy Perry, i never was IN LOVE with her music, just her. But this song i really am. The lyrics and the video about MEAN something, which lately is a huge shock when it comes to the new pop culture music scene, you know what i mean?
Well, i hope you enjoyed!
Thanks for reading :)